هل تعلم ان المحكمة الجنائية الدولة في هذا العام وقبل اسابيع قليله كانت تنوي التحقيق في جرائم حرب ارتكبها الصهاينة وتم ايقافها وتهديدها بالعقوبات من قبل امريكا ان اقتربة من اليهود الصهاينة حتى تعلم ان لا عدل في هذا العالم وهم نفسهم من يدمرون بلدان العرب عبر زرع الارهاب والدخول بحجته
Did you know that the state criminal court this year and a few weeks ago intended to investigate war crimes committed by the Zionists and were stopped and threatened with sanctions by America if they approached the Zionist Jews until you knew that there is no justice in this world and they themselves are those who destroy Arab countries by planting terrorism and entering On his excuse
Did you know that the state criminal court this year and a few weeks ago intended to investigate war crimes committed by the Zionists and were stopped and threatened with sanctions by America if they approached the Zionist Jews until you knew that there is no justice in this world and they themselves are those who destroy Arab countries by planting terrorism and entering On his excuse
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